LaiThai Talk : Catch up Tech & Trend
Shinawatra Tower III , 9th Floor, Jupiter Room
Sunday 26th November, 2006 : 9.00 A.M. – 4.30 P.M.
LaiThai Project Team from both MamboLaiThai and JoomlaLaiThai would like to invite our users to join the meeting “LaiThai Talk : Catch up Tech&Trend” on Sunday 26th November, 2006 at 9.00 A.M. – 4.30 P.M.. This event is the first official launching of LaiThai Project and the development team. Our team will come to tell you about their knowledge and experience including with new technology to make you up to date in our CMS project.
In the event, you’ll meet with the developer team who will show the recent technologies of MamboLaiThai and JoomlaLaiThai and the additional components in the project and the top hit components. Moreover, you’ll meet with the core team developer of Mambo and Joomla who will come to introduce the newest version of Mambo and Joomla. Besides, there will be a case study of succeed in CMS usage in many organizations.
08:30 am.– 09:00 am. | Register |
09:05 am.– 09:10 am. | MC introduce the honored guests and speaker |
09:10 am.– 10:00 am. | LaiThai Talk Session: LaiThai Project Developer Team will come to discuss about the development of module and component |
10:00 am.– 10:30 am. | Hosting & Security for Mambo/Joomla CMS : How to use Hosting for Mambo/Joomla CMS and the security issue for website by Mr.Kittiwat Manosuthi (aka pizzaman from ThaiHostTalk.com) |
10:30 am.– 11:00 am. | ------- Coffee Break ------ |
11:00 am.– 12:00 am. | Introduction & Demonstration of "Mambo V.4.7" by VDO conference with Chad Auld - Core Development Team Leader |
12:00 – 01:00 pm. | ---- Lunch ---- |
01:00 – 02:00 pm | Introduction & Demonstration of "Joomal V.1.5" by Core Development Team of Joomla - Rey Gigataras - Stability Team Leader - Brad Baker - Moderator Coordinator / Forum Admin Joomla Core Member - Shayne Bartlett - Documentation Team Co-Leader |
02:00 – 02:30 pm | User Showcase Session : Example of CMS Mambo/Joomla usage in the organization With : - Mr.Vipat Sarutiprom - Instructor and the Leader of R&D Computer Center,Songklanakarin University : www.psu.ac.th - Ms.Nisachol Sasanon - Webmaster of Department of Intellectual Property : www.ipthailand.org - Mr.Chakrit Chanrungsakul - Webmaster of Online Magazine : www.AnneFriday.com - Mr.Chakkrit Pongin-wong - Vice president of Information Technology Department from Ratchapat Loei University : case www.loeilocal.go.th |
02:30 – 03.00 pm | ------- Coffee Break ------ |
03:00 – 04:00 pm. | User showcase (continue) |
04:00 – 04:30 pm. | Q&A , Take a photo |
You'll get Registration Fee The summary of all expenses is 71,500 Baht, average with 80 target people, so the cost for each person is 890 Baht. However, We've got the support from LaiThai Developer to donate all the speaker present expense and Marvelic Engine Co.,Ltd. gives a support of 35,500 Baht. So, the registration fee will be 450 Baht per person. |