in their national elections) you, the members of Joomla! have selected a new logo.
Joomla 01
Joomla 01 was designed by Alan Urquhart [urquharttownson]
Alan is currently assisting in final tweaks and is even going to the extent of producing
a brand guide for the logo's usage. Hence the final version of the logo is not quite ready
for public display, but will be launched as soon as possible.

I did have some thought behind the logo. I wanted to start with the letter "J"
(obviously because joomla starts with a "J") and found that creating four "J"s
and rotating the "J"s in 45 degree increments fit together like a puzzle.
This also gives the impression of chain links intertwined together. Adding the
circles to each "J" gave the impression of people and the multiple colors gave
the impression of different races, people, cultures, or whatever you would like
to call it. Basically the icon portion of the logo shows a group of people intertwined
together as one."
The Joomla! Core team would like to congratulate Alan on the success of his design,
addtionally we applaud the other four finalists. A big cheer though for the community
on your support of the entire logo selection process... well done everybody.